Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 177 - Quickie

Well I finally got around to everyone's blog to check on their progress and of course all are doing fantastic! I love that all of us are working so hard at the same time and have similar timelines. It really helps the accountability for me. It is getting late, however, so I don't have time to say much, but I did want to thank everyone who has commented on my blog the past few days - I don't have time to individually respond to all of them, but I will from now on since I won't be behind any more. But thanks for checking in and for all the continued support.
Things have been going well, I am enjoying the PN plan but not following it exactly. I am getting good results so far so I am not worried. I think I have found a good balance of what my body responds to (finally!). As far as TT goes, I am finding the workouts too easy for me so I am going to step it up to the next workout in the list tomorrow. I am supposed to give it until the end of this week and get in two more workouts, but I need something harder for sure. Plus, the current workout does nothing for shoulders or arms and has legs both days so I am doing legs three times a week plus cardio on the off days and that's too much. So I need to balance it out. If the next plan doesn't do this, I might do some kind of hybrid. I like the exercises themselves, I just don't really like the layout and frequency. There are only two workouts that I am supposed to alternate and that is pretty boring for me, I need at least 3 and preferably 4 so I can do something different each day of the week. So we'll see, I might have to do some switching around, but it is all good.
For today, I only had 5 meals because I got up late so I'm still giving myself the points because it was still every 3 hrs. I just couldn't get started today...Also I didn't do my HIIT as scheduled but I did have Jujitsu so I am still giving myself a point for that as well. Aren't I so nice to myself? Here's today's log and pics (back to the fun blue today!):

Meal #1?9a - veggie omelet
Meal #2?12p - grilled chicken salad
Meal #3?3p - apple & cheese
Meal #4?6p - turkey & corn
Meal #5?10p - fruit & nuts
Meal #6?none - got up late

Water?96 oz - 16 oz/meal
Weights or Rest?Rest
Cardio or Rest?Jujitsu
Sleep?8 hrs1
Accountability?pics, blog, chart
Visualization?1 hr AVP

Daily Score:12 of 12

Cumulative:97 of 672



Mike Groom said...

good work again Joni!

KaliLilla.com said...

Looking good Joni! Congrats on the 100%!
There are TT workouts that have 3 circuits. They're on the forum I think.

Rob said...

Hey...thanks for checkin in on me.
I would love to get in on the "Beach Body Shred" if it's not to late. You look AMAZING!
Glad to see that you finally got caught up.

Joni said...

Mike - thanks!
Lilla - Thanks, I'll check the forum when I have a chance. For now I'm just switching exercises around.
Rob - Hey good to see you! Sure, join in on the BBS, it's not too late. Thanks for the compliment! Keep on shredding!