So here's the weirdest part...I think part of my binge was because I had weighed myself mid-week and had not lost any, maybe even gained a half a pound, and I was disheartened after last week only losing a half. But when I weighed myself today for my weekly check-in, I am down by 2 pounds!! So how does that work? I talked to Andrew about this earlier and he said it takes 2-3 days for excess calories to show up on the scale so maybe that's it but I don't know if I buy that. I mean, it's already in my body, right, shouldn't it show up somewhere? I don't know, but hopefully it won't show up later on in the week because I am happy now and ready to keep up working that's for sure. Results really make you motivated.
So here's where I need help:
On the unmotivating side, I bought a new scale that does BF% and I hate it. Hate it hate it hate it hate it. It says I have 33% BF!! How is that? The weight is 2 lbs more than my other scale as well. Did I mention I hate this thing. I am taking it back, seriously. I may need to lose BF but 33%? That is ridiculous. I think it must be because it does BIA for the lower body and that's where I carry all my weight so it is doing what would be the BF% if someone had that amount of fat all over, but my upper body is no where near that! Also, I did that thing on the internet that you put some measurements in and it calculates you BF based on that, and it was around 30% as well. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? I'm just being realistic - I KNOW I am not over 30% BF, more like somewhere in the low 20s I hope. But now I am so confused. This is really bothering me - does anyone have any advice on this? I used to use an Omron at the gym and I want to find another of those because that does upper body and it was much easier to take years ago when I used that. When I was at my lowest, I had my trainer test me with calipers (4 sites I think) and that's when I was down to 17%. I know just seeing a change from one number to another will be good because it shows a loss of fat not muscle, but I really would like something more accurate that possibly 10% off, come on! I have calipers but I just can't get consistent readings doing it myself. They are just all over every time I use them and it is not useful info. So please help me with this I really want to get it resolved in time to post my stats next Sunday for Adam's Shredder Council update.
In the mean time, here are my updated measurements and comparison pics. I have been taking pics the other days I didn't post them, but here's the newest ones, I can't figure out how to change the order of posts to go back and put in the older pics. Comment away!
Weight: 157 lbs (loss of 2# this week, 9# overall)
Bicep: 11.5" (loss of .5" this week, 1" overall)
Chest: 35" (loss of .5" this week, 1.5" overall)
Waist: 29.25" (loss of .25" this week, 1.75" overall)
Stomach: 32.75" (loss of .0" this week, 1.75" overall)
Hips: 39.25" (loss of .0" this week, 1.75" overall)
Butt: 42" (loss of .25" this week, 1.5" overall)
Thigh: 25.5" (loss of .5" this week, 2" overall
Total inches lost: 11.25"
P.S. Now my Day 1 pics crack me up because I look so pissed in them! Like mug shots, really. Glad I am happier and able to stand up straight now!! However, I am losing my tan drastically :( ha ha ha
Hey Joni, about falling off the horse, you should realize that in the long run, a couple days off isn't going to hurt you. Mentally, you need the break sometimes. I know you get the idea of cheat day or cheat meal in your head, but you don't have to be so strict about it. Sometimes you do need to get that out of your system or you'll just mentally lose it.
Regarding the up/down weigh in, your weight can easily fluctuate 3-4 lbs over the course of a day. The lower weight after you ate a bunch might have been just based on your hydration levels. Who knows, eating more than usual and different foods could have even given your metabolism a spike digesting all that food.
I myself have a digital BIA scale, and I find the absolute number to be inaccurate as well (yes it does only really consider your lower body if its one you step on). But there's a difference between consistent, accurate, and precise. I find that as far as BF, I don't think it's very ACCURATE because I'm currently around 22% on it, but calipers and tape measure give me around 12-13%. The difference, is that the scale is CONSISTENT as long as I use it every day at the same time, under the same conditions (first thing in the morning, after I use the washroom, but don't eat or drink anything). It is also PRECISE. I can take measurements and it'll give me a number to +-0.1%. My calipers on the other hand, just tell me I'm somewhere in between 11.5 and 13.5%.
I track my weight and BF daily using the scale using You should check it out, as it smooths out all the variations from day to day fluctuations and gives you a better idea over the long run. If you have time, I suggest reading the Hacker's Diet (, particulary the section on Signal and Noise. I don't recommend it as far as a diet program (since it totally ignores exercise), but it has some useful information and explanations about our "weight" and how it isn't really something that is set in stone, and how it is constantly changing.
I've managed to look at the trends, rather than the numbers. Hope this helps.
Hi Joni,
Your pics look amazing! And thanks for posting on my blog and placing a link on your site. Too cool...;)
I like visiting your site because I feel like we have similar body types ie. young, female, driven!
1) As far as losing 2lbs after you went off your eating plan, it could be due to raising your leptin levels by increasing carbs and calories. BFFM talks about it and the is based on this premise.
2) Regarding your bodyfat scale, I have one too and am suspicious of the numbers as well. But what I do is focus on the difference rather than on the actual number. So even though I don't think I'm at 23% bfat, I look at the difference since I started weighing in and notice the 3% decrease instead. Using it with this frame of mind, I actually like it better than the calipers.
I still haven't gotten MS because I work out in a public gym and can't really do the cardio in between sets. And it also sounds like a pretty intense male-oriented bodybuilder's program. I know you love it and I was wondering if you could give me more feedback. I know it's not that expensive, but every little helps especially when I'm buying so much salmon, eggs and fresh produce daily to stay on track. Thanks for any info!
Hey Joni,
Good to talk with you today also. Hope we can chat again in the future too.
I guess we have all had a bit of an eat over the weekend. As for your BF, I use the omron and have found it to be good but as raiden says it needs to be used at the same time of day to get consistent readings.
With regards to your BF, don't forget that women have a naturally much higher BF % than men. Your hydration has a big impact on your BF when measured electronically also.
As raiden says try not to focus on the figure, look at the trend. I know we need to provide stats to Adam, but regardless of that value if next week it is 32 then great, if it was 26% this week and 25% next week it has still dropped and that is what you want. You can get the "true" result later for the time being you just want to know you are heading in the right direction.
If you want the most precise BF calculation then it is recomended you get yourself hydrostatically weighed!!
Take care,
Back into the race - that means you are not a quitter...stuff happens even when we sometimes have the best of intentions not to indulge. But hey, I predict that this week is going to be a "break out week" for you. I'm with you girl.
i think somehow you, andrew and i are connected as i have had the same problem this past few days regarding eating habits. (actually since thursday) i don't even want to dare step on the scale. i take my body measurements and enter them into a bodyweight calculator online.
thanks for laying it all out there, keeping it real!
Hey Joni, I just find it such a coincidence that you, me and andrew went on a binge over a weekend, which really re-enforces my thinking that if we stay strict for too long, we will eventually snap.
I had like almost 5 straight bad days in a row which was horrible.
I have tried unsuccessfully in the past, strict diets that will in the end cause me to have a huge binge. So what I think we have to do is not stick 100% to a diet plan or whatsoever and eat what we like every 3 - 4 days because I think it is better off in the long run.
I also know what you mean by snapping, like just keeping eating junk although we know it's bad and sometimes, we don't even enjoy it! I just feel like I've to stuff myself (in my case).
Anyway, my point is, I think I'll not go too strict on myself cause I'll end up worse. And as dougal said, it's a life, not a diet so we have to think in the long term
Hi Joni,
I understand your worries about body weight fluctuation and overeating for a day or two. I found that if I weight myself in an electronic scale first thing in the morning and then right before going to bed, I eat better throughout the day. Knowing that my daily water and food intake is no more than 2- 2 1/2 lbs at the end of the day it keeps me in check and on target for next morning's weight goal.
Hey Joni, thank you for your kind words. Right now I'm not stressing too much about getting a six pack cus it's getting colder now down here is the south. I just want to maintain my weight for right now. 2008 is just around the corner, so it will be a new start for all of us. Take care and keep going! Your day 14 pic looks awesome!
Hi Joni, I think Raiden, Lilla and Andrew explained the mechanics of BF testing really well and how fluctuant stats can be.
I'll say something here that may surprise you, since I started Mission 1 (1 year ago) I have only had one "serious" BF test using the BodPod which was on Day 83.
Since then I haven't had any "serious" tests done, just accumeasure and tanita. My mentality is that daily pictures and real-world indciators like clothes fitting, belt buckles, cardio endurance and weight training variables give me all the feedback I need.
This is just my personal preference and is not to say that you should not get regualr BF testing done, just another perpective.
I have a "feeling" that if I am 95% compliant every week I "know" I am making progress without needing weekly BF or bodyweight testing to confirm it. I focus on my PRW and training my mind to keep my going through the "dark days" which we all have every now and again.
I know that this goes against what a lot of the experts say about regular BF testing but it is another perspective for you.
Adam Waters
Joni, weightscales lie a lot!
Sometimes I gain and loose 2 or 3 pounds in one week! It has to do with water in our body I`v read somewere on the net (do not remember the site sorry...)
Just look at your pictures!
I can see fantastic results!
If you fall of the horse sometimes, unknowledge the fall, wipe the dirt off you and back on the saddle!
And do not trelay too much on the scale!
Hi Joni, I just found something which I feel I can relate to almost 100% I hope it can be of some use to you as well and help us in our rut with food.
Take your time and explore the whole site. are fabulous.
Hey Joni, No 1 - in my experience as a fitness professions scale type body fat indicators are notoriously inaccurate. They wrok on electrical impedance which has no way of knowing how dehydrated you are or where you are in your cycle etc or how much internal fat you have etc. Take the darn thing back. Caliper measurements are much more accurate in the hands of an experienced tester and only measure subcutaneous fat which is the fat you can see, and not internal fat which protects internal organs. Just looking at you I can tell you that you are in the low 20's.
No 2 - Check Andrews blog and apply everything I said to him to yourself.
You are not perfect, you are human, lighten up, this race lasts forever.
Apologies for my spelling, I should have checked what I wrote.
WOW everybody thanks for all your wonderful input and advice. I really appreciate that I can put a question out there one day and have so many people to answer it the next. It's overwhelming to have so much feedback but I do want to try to address some things, but overall I want to say to everyone THANKS! Want to get on to my blog post today but I have a few quick comments...
Raiden - Yeah, I really do still need the cheat meals to keep me going, as I have been fine now that I got that out of my system for a while. In 5 days I will have my regular cheat meal and I think I will be building another one into my plan because for now at least going 12 days before another is a little much, as evidenced by my body's cravings. I think I will listen to it for now. Also, I only weigh myself every week at the same time because of that fluctuation issue. Weighing daily would be REALLY demoralizing to me although I do like that website, it is a cool idea, but I just couldn't handle all that for now. I also agree with looking at the consistent trends in BF versus actually getting an accurate number, but at the same time I do want something realistic to go by. I just can't afford (and don't even know if it is available where I live) to do a hydrostatic weigh or bodpod so I'll have to make due for now with the Omron and go with trends, then see what else I can do down the road. Really I am more about seeing the difference in my pictures and feeling the difference in my clothes. I just get caught up in numbers once in a while, but that's what I have all of you for, to keep me straight and looking at the right things. Thanks for all your great info!
Lilla - Thanks for the compliment! I do not remember the leptin discussion in BFFM, I'll have to go back and look at that because I was pleasantly surprised but think my body needed that anyway. Regarding MS, I think I'll do a blog post (or a few in a series) especially devoted to that because I have had a few questions about it and I think some women especially would benefit from insider info without infringing on the copyright of the book. Look for it coming soon!
Andrew - Hope to talk to you again soon, it's cool getting to talk to some shredders in real time. We really have to find a way to do a conference call or something sometime so we can all have a chance to talk to each other for real. As for your advice, thanks for all the input, as you can see by my answer to Raiden, I have a plan going now.
Diane - Oh yeah, never a quitter, just a procrastinator :) We're all in for a big week I think - we just had a little fallout from coming off the high of the big group shred.
Suzette & Sammy - yeah that was a bad place we all got into for a while but I am so happy to see that we didn't lose anybody to the temptations that we faced. Yeah us! We are in this for the long haul that is for sure, we know how to pick ourselves back up and that's more important I think than starting the journey to begin with.
Miriam - wow that's precise! Like I said earlier, I can't handle daily weighing plus I kind of like the surprise at the beginning of the week. But if that's what keeps you going good, then go for it! Thanks for the info.
Lito - Thanks - see you in 2008!
Adam - Yeah, I am coming around more and more to that trend of thinking, especially since I am taking the daily pics which I have never done before. That way I can really tell a difference whereas before all I had was the scale and then eventually clothes. But my clothing sizes are all over the map (since my weight always has been) so sometimes I forget what I fit into and what I do not. I do have this awesome dress that I have never fit into that my husband got me for Christmas a few years ago and man I want to fit into it! When I can do that, I'll know for sure I'm never turning back. But the pics are such a big help, I never would have given myself credit for making the progress I have if I had not done that so I am glad because I am so hard on myself, but you can't argue with photographic evidence!!
Massi - thanks, I am just glad that I have all of you to keep me in line for the little that I do stray. But I am totally back now and I am sure that more results are just around the corner!
Oberon - I don't know you but thanks!
Dougal - Thanks, I am really beginning to come around to the lifestyle mindset instead of the diet mindset. I have always understood the concept, but have not really been able to fully apply it to what I was doing, thus my eventual weight gain. This time I can really see it as a combination of choices that I can reconsider at any time and forgive myself for at the same time. Plus, things hit me a lot quicker now with all of this support and others watching so I don't fall nearly as far off the track as I have done in the past. Awareness is key for me. I am so excited to see how all of us apply this as a lifestyle in the coming months!
Thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback - I am so excited to have people to be able to bounce things off of and get so much to think about and learn so quickly. You guys are AWESOME!!
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