Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Day 157 - Recovering...

Thanks to everyone who wished me better health - I think I am coming out of it now and am planning on being back in the game totally by tomorrow. I have to get some workouts in, I really need the extra energy I get from them. And I have a lot of catching up to do - Tom's gonna kick my butt come Monday!! Otherwise, I have been sticking to low carb this week so my nutrition has been excellent even though I have felt like eating everything in sight. I get like that when I don't feel well. Some people don't feel like eating anything, I'm the total opposite. Anyway, I'm going to get to bed to recover some more but wanted to check in and update you on my to you all soon! Here's to a better day tomorrow!
P.S. Can't believe ECSS is nearly here! Adam's in the US!! (again!)


Anonymous said...

so glad you are feeling better. you better get rid of all of those bad germs before i get there though! lol just kidding. am hoping i stay on the track of health as my 3 yo seems to be having some coughing and slight fever issues...i pray i don't get anything in the next few days! praying for continued health!!!
I will be seeing you in two days!!

Adam Waters said...

Hi Joni, I'm glad you are feeling better too! Not long to go now!
P.S. I think you are right about Tom, he's hardcore!

Debbie said...

Joni, I'm that way when I'm sick too - wanting to eat a lot.

Great to hear you're feeling better.

See you soon!
