Sunday, March 23, 2008

Day 161 - Happy Easter!!

Just a quick post today, not much to say because it was a rest day - no workout, no ECSS. Suzette and I went to church this morning and have been relaxing today, just finished Easter dinner and looking forward to meeting up for the big workout and the big summit meeting tomorrow. Meanwhile, the rest of the NY4 are hanging out together and watching a show today but I wanted to be home for Easter so we are missing that event. Easter has always been very meaningful to me so I couldn't be away from church and family today. Thus a rest day, but we are also recharging the batteries for tomorrow's killer workout with Tom. I can just hear him saying to us the "pick a weight you can do 12 with, now do 15" quote so maybe I'll have to tell him some lighter weights now that the secret is out... ;) Just kidding!!! I am more excited about the summit meeting, though, honestly, because it was so good to talk to everyone yesterday and tomorrow will be even more interesting and exciting. And tomorrow is reveal day for our NY4 last 30 days so that's a little nerve-wracking, but there's nothing more I can do now except have good nutrition the rest of the day and hope my cumulative work shows off. So tomorrow is the last day of Mission 3, can't believe it's already over!! The next mission will be a change from what I have been doing so far so I'll post that info in a little while. I'll catch you all later on - update as soon as I have some "declassified" info!


Unknown said...

Happy Easter Joni and thanks for honoring God! You rock and thanks for sharing the first council pics. Must be exciting. Can't wait to see this group shredder reveal pics, and congrats on completing your mission 3.

Mike Groom said...

Good wrap up on what's been going on so far. I really enjoyed reading your last couple of posts. Love the photo too! Great to see shredders together. can't wait to see more!

Adam Waters said...

Hi Joni, T-Minus 2 hours until the Group Shred!
See you soon!

Bob said...

Hi Joni, you get an amazing transformation: congratualtions! Hope that you are ready for the ECSS verdict ^^

Shred Hard, no surrender

Joni said...

Diane - thanks, Easter is all about God and it should always be that way! Thanks for checking in - reveal pics coming soon!
Mike - thanks for stopping by - stay tuned for more info and I'll be by to comment on you soon as well! Looking forward to your reveal!
Adam - hope to see you again soon!
Bob - thanks for coming by - I'll be by your blog to check out the newest member of the shreddersphere soon. Keep up the good work!