Monday, March 17, 2008

Day 155 - Hit a snag

Well tonight will be short even though I haven't posted for a few seems that I have picked up the bug that is going around and have not felt up to par in several days. Today was not good either, didn't work out again. It's killing me to be skipping workouts so close to ECSS but I just don't have the energy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Nutrition has been okay. Weekend was not too good but was totally compliant today so at least I have that going for me. Just trying to keep this sickness from getting me totally down. Be back soon...

3 comments: said...

Hope you feel better soon Joni!!

Anonymous said...

get well soon!

Debbie said...

Rest up, Joni. We want you to be well for the weekend!

Hope you are feeling better soon.
