Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 128 - Speedy

Just a quick note so I am holding up my accountability but I have to go to bed - last night was bad after I went to bed at 11 the dog kept waking me up until about 1am so I did not sleep well. I had to have a nap this afternoon I was so wrecked but anyway other than that it was a good day. Got in my lower body fat loss circuit and I realized that in the past I have been way too easy on myself for the amount of weight I was lifting. I don't know what connection I wasn't making in my mind but I was choosing a weight to do for the specified number of reps and then just doing as many as it said instead of pushing until I couldn't do any more. This time around on MS I am going to failure (or close) and the reps are way higher than listed which means that my weight could go up alot. So I need to work on the intimidation factor of that. And also I don't feel like I am doing as much when I am only getting in 4 reps by the last set. I don't know, I'll have to get used to it, but it's a work in progress and I can't believe I didn't even realize I was doing it. Nutrition was good - I actually am really good with low carb for short periods of time so for now I'm actually enjoying it. That will change in 2 more days but I can already feel a difference. So that's the story for the day - did pushups as well and I'll put up the video for that tomorrow along with my daily pics. See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no intimidation!!! you just get down to..set it in your mind that it is nothing. you can do this thing! push your limits! you can do it! you can do what you set your mind to do!!