Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 130 - Klutzy goofy me

I don't know why, but I have been really uncoordinated today. I have been dropping things and hurting myself in minor ways all over the place. I hope it is over now. I have a burn on my right hand and blister on my left. Thankfully I didn't kill myself at Jujitsu. :) Anyway, today was good though, because I almost chickened out on my workout and was going to trade tomorrow's HIIT for today's lower body training since I was still sore but I said NO, GET DOWN THERE AND DO IT and I did. Lactic acid training - more squats, hamstring curls, shoulders, triceps. All good stuff. I am better about that kind of training anyway because you are trying for high reps at first and then after that it's just however many you can do, so I never short myself on that like I tend to do on the low-rep stuff. However, I forgot to mention yesterday that I did skip my HIIT then so tomorrow I have to be sure to get in a good one. I just couldn't face it yesterday after the pushups and the soreness and all. I also forgot to mention though that I took a stab at one-armed pushups. I only managed 5 pretty bad ones per arm but it was still cool if you ask me. So I didn't have to do cardio today but I did have some during Jujitsu so that should make up for some of what I missed yesterday. It's funny - I can be so sore when I get to class, but when I'm in there fighting I don't notice it at all. It's great. Wish I had discipline like that in every area of my life. But I digress....tomorrow then is pushups and HIIT and all protein. I am trying to finish out my day with a protein shake now but I experimented with it and it's kind of weird. My blender must be on the fritz or something because the ice just didn't blend. So it's kind of the consistency of snow. Ha ha ha. Jedi seems to like it, but don't trust his judgement, he also licks his butt. Just kidding, it's not really that bad, actually still probably better than straight protein powder in water. It is SOOOOOO much better in milk - one thing I miss about the low carb days. So I guess that's enough babble for now - I must be getting delirious. Hey my mom said I looked skinny today, or something to that effect. That's a lot coming from her, she's pretty critical. She said she could see it in my face. Yeah, that's exactly where I'm trying to lose it :) Just kidding, I appreciated the noticing...So, more excitement tomorrow. For now here's my pics - I think I can see some thinning out of my waist probably from this low carb cycle, and my back and arm muscles are showing up, but what's with the lower body? Come on now, it's killin' me!


Anonymous said...

good for you for "getting down there and doing it"! it is that mindset that will set you apart from others. don't give in to those procrastinating thoughts!
5 one-armed pushups! sweet!
jedi might have different tastes, that's for sure. lol!

Bec said...

Would you believe that my blender blew up this week. The poor over worked machine has been on almost every day for at least 3&1/2 years.
Boo hoo. i hate shopping for appliances.

Michael said...

OK, so if you aren't happy with the lower body results, what lower body workout are you following? Whatever it is, you need to change it up because it isn't working for you. I can definitely see some changes in your legs, but if you aren't happy with the results you are producing it is time to change it up.

Debbie said...

Wow, one armed pushups - I'm impressed, Joni.

Maybe the ice didn't blend because of lack of milk? Mine has a problem when I don't add something creamy.
