Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 114 - Good news & bad news

Okay, well this is interesting...

Weight: 151 lbs (loss of 0# this week, 1# in M3, 15# overall)
Omron bf: 24.7% (loss of 0% this week, 0.4% in M3)
MS bf: 18.6% (loss of 0.2% in M3, 4.5% overall)

Bicep: 11.5" (GAIN of .5" this week, GAIN of .5" in M3, LOSS of 1" overall)
Chest: 35" (loss of 0" this week, 0" in M3, 1.5" overall)
Waist: 28.25" (loss of 0" this week, 0" in M3, 2.75" overall)
Stomach: 31" (loss of 0" this week, 0" in M3, 3.5" overall)
Hips: 37.5" (loss of 0" this week, .25" in M3, 3.5" overall)
Butt: 41" (loss of 0" this week, 0" in M3, 2.5" overall)
Thigh: 25" (loss of 0" this week, 0" in M2, 3" overall)
Total inches: GAIN of .5" this week, GAIN of .25" in M3, LOSS of 17.75" overall

If you'll notice all of my measurements were the same with the exception of my biceps. I guess I am happy with that because I know I really was off plan for about 4 days of the week and still I did not gain so I have to be glad for that. My progress has really ground to a halt, though, so I have to be more disciplined about everything and get that SS cardio in so I will get back on track for ECSS. Then there's the arms, which are not bigger because of fat but because of muscle. I can tell by looking at them. All of those pushups must be helping them or something so yay for that. If you check out my video from yesterday I think you can see what I am talking about. I watched it when I was editing it and I was like HEY are those my arms? :) It's funny how when you are losing weight you don't want to see the measurements go up but in this case I am happy. So that's it for this morning, doing Tae Bo for my SS cardio workout today and see how I do with that. Still need to find my heart monitor but I'll just do it the old fashioned way for today. See ya!

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