Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 133 - Killer leg day

Well today things went well. It was the start of the low fat phase of MS and I did well with that even with going out to lunch this afternoon with my sister. I made sure I got in enough protein today as well, I was supposed to have at least 150g and I got more than that, so I am very happy with that, as well as the fact that I stayed under 1800 cal. Yay me. Then the workout today was muscle rounds for lower body and it was really killer but great. I think it might have been the most intense leg workout I have done since I started back in October. I only had to do 3 body parts so I could really concentrate on them, and with what I learned last week about the amount of weight I could handle, I upped the amounts I used for these exercises and it was great. I think I got the weights to almost exactly the right numbers because I was definitely DONE when it was over. I'm sure I'll be complaining about this tomorrow and Tuesday but for now I am happy to have given it my all and hopefully be making progress on my lagging lower body transformation. I also did a little abs and I always like that - I'll be SO excited when I can see my abs because I know they are in good shape, just hidden under some fat still. So tomorrow I do upper body and the pushup challenge so I'm looking forward to having some good numbers to give you for that. I know I am lagging behind in my picture posting but rest assured I am taking them, I just have to do the editing and posting still. Tomorrow should be the day for that. I will be in Virginia tomorrow evening for a Mary Kay event (close to DC) so I have to do my entry early in the day and I'll be home late so my schedule might be strange on Tuesday but it's all good I'll work it out. That's the update from Shred Central, or at least one of the Shred Centrals....Adam should have more about ECSS on his blog today but I don't see it yet - I'm sure he's really busy but keep checking it out to see because it will be cool I'm sure...See you soon!
PS Seems some girl named Lilla has challenged the rest of the NY4 to a little competition. Well, as you all might have guessed, I am not the competitive type so I don't think I can respond to that...NOT...okay I'm extremely competitive so I'm going to have to now totally kick some booty. Not that I didn't have enough motivation already but now it's also for glory. BRING IT ON!!!

6 comments: said...

Killer Leg Day? Were you able to walk out of your gym?? Sounds like a day at the beach if you ask me. They're going to have to carry me out. SOS! ;D

Anonymous said...

Rock on girls! let's put it all out there! Game on!

Joni said...

Well Lilla, my gym is in my basement so I actually had to use my arms to drag myself up the steps and then lay in the floor of the kitchen until I could move a little. :) said...

Ok. Now that's more like it. Sounds like you got an upper body w/o in too! :)

Debbie said...

But Joni, did you clean the kitchen floor while you were laying there? You know, we women have to be able to multi-task. lol.

Joni, you're right that you may be holding water. Regardless, adding cardio won't hurt.


Michael said...

Joni, you've got some tough competition here. I'm glad because maybe you'll lose focus on the push ups and I can get ahead of you!