Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 122- Sidelined!

So sorry I haven't been posting but there hasn't been much to talk about - after my great cardio workout on Friday apparently I irritated or somehow pinched my sciatic nerve and have not been able to work out since. It sucks! Less than 6 weeks until ECSS and I can't shred! AAAAAHHHHH! Anyway, I have been extra careful about my nutrition compliance so I hope to be staying somewhat on track but doing only calorie restriction and not working out just doesn't seem to do it for me. Anyway, hopefully I will be able to work out soon, the pain has eased but has not gone all together and I don't want to re-injure it and be back at square one. I think I will do an upper body workout first to get something in, and also to get back on track with the pushup challenge, but for now don't know when the lower body workout or the cardio will be able to continue. Even sitting I get twinges in my hip and leg all the time. And not a lot you can do about it as far as I know, my husband had something similar happen to him last year and all they did was give him muscle relaxers. So I didn't bother to go to a doctor and have just been taking ibuprofen occasionally. Anybody have any other advice on this? Crazy, it seems like every time I get things rolling in the right direction and on all 8 cylinders, something happens to mess it up. Well I'm trying not to let it get me down, or cause me to eat badly because that is the only thing I am in control of right now. Like I said in my last post, all I can do is control my reaction to the situation so I am just making the best of what I can and praying to be able to move on soon! Talk to you all later!
P.S. Still have not found my memory card for my camera - I have no idea how I lost it, but I am going to have to give in and get a new one I guess, so new pics soon!

2 comments: said...

Darn! I wish I had some advice for the pain but I think you're on the right track - rest lower body and maybe try to get an upper body w/o in?

You can also use this as a "forced" rest period. I just took 3 days off from training and I feel so much better. Got some extra sleep in and let muscles recover. Today was my first day back, and I definitely feel stronger.

I'm not into too much cardio. I find that I'm prone to repetitive stress injuries when I do too much and I think it also eats up some of muscle and I don't want to spare an ounce!

I hope you feel better soon, Joni! :)

Mike Groom said...

Joni, I'm sorry to hear of your injury! I hope it doesn't take too long to heal.