Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So yeah I'm still sore - I think it's getting worse. Glad those squats were good ones! I don't really have anything else interesting to say tonight except that I definitely reached my carb limit today, but it was mostly from veggies so that's good. And I still don't know if you can subtract fiber or any of that like in Atkins but whatever. What I did realize is that today I passed 100 posts in my blog so yay me. Obviously I have not been posting every day since it is day 129 but it is cool to have over 100 in the books. Never thought it would be this big when I started. So that's about all I have to say tonight, gotta make Jeff some lunch. Love to all the shredders and here's hoping Adam's back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't think any of us knew what would turn up from this "experiment" with Adam. I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it!
i really still need to pin down my eats. i eat pretty healthy but i don't keep track of any #'s. i really did eat enough today, until i got home and then had some microwave popcorn this evening(which isn't terrible but not part of the ms "diet")