Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 129 - Whining

Today I am feeling pretty tired, sore and achy. I did lower body yesterday so my legs are sore, then Jujitsu last night so I am a little beat up, and then upper body lactic acid training with the pushup challenge workout this morning so I am tired. Man what a complainer I am. But it's all GREAT! No, seriously, I am making great progress this week so I am not going to be upset about a little pain, I am used to that. I just don't want to injure myself and have to stop but I think I will be fine. Besides that, I feel good...okay that sounds weird but I guess I mean mentally because I have been doing what I am supposed to and the low carb has been no problem for me. I need to go shopping though, in preparation for my all protein and all fruit days coming up. That's all for now, hopefully I'll be back tonight with something more interesting...


Anonymous said...

i love reading your blog! It's like you are sitting right across from me talking to me.
I am feeling the "pain" from my first two days back into training! especially my abs!.
love the pushup video and your making great progress in the clothing challenge! SOS!!!

Joni said...

Thanks, glad you are enjoying it. I just write what's on my mind...and it's nice to have someone at the same stage of MS with me to share my pain, too! Squats yesterday have me walking like I'm 75 today! Aaaah, progress!

Anonymous said...

i did the lunges with weights. i think i am really afraid to try barbell squats without someone with me to make sure i am doing it correctly. (but i suppose i could do with dumbells!) but can still feel it!! it is like i have started from the beginning again. especially since i didn't "workout" for nearly 2 weeks!! but it is all good!! i am learning not to worry about things like that.