Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 131 - Tough day

I'm going to make this short - lots to post tomorrow but I wanted to do today's update at least. Today was rough because it was all protein and I was in a lot of pain. It was all soreness but it really felt bad today as far as stopping me from moving at all sometimes. Plus I didn't have to work and it was snowy here so I didn't leave the house and I think the less I move around, the worse it is. However, I started to do my cardio this morning and I just couldn't get through it. Between the pain and low energy, I had to quit. I didn't want to have to say that I did, but that's the reality. I guess all that work the last few days has really caught up with me, as well as the lack of carbs shorting my energy. I was good for a while, but after 5 days of it, I think my body is ready for something. Then of course it was all protein today so that was tough as well but I hit all the parameters I was supposed to. Tomorrow is all fruit so at least I get carbs but I know that is the toughest day. Then I have 10 days that will be easier to handle. Plus tomorrow is a day of rest so hopefully I can recover fully. I guess I overdid it being gung-ho to get back on MS full throttle. But that's not going to stop me from keeping that intensity when I work out next because that's what I have to do to get results. Michael commented that I should change my lower body workout if I am unhappy with the results and I think that I already have, actually, since I was unable to do squats for a very long time and then when I could, it was during last month when I was not very dedicated to my workouts. So I think that I will improve from here, or at least I hope I do. If not, I'll make more changes, but I have been through enough change for this week :) Thanks for the advice Michael. So that's today, I'll have my pics up tomorrow and hopefully more energy and less pain. Hooya!

3 comments: said...

I had a rough day too on the diet front - actually the last few days! Just can't seem to get on track. We've just got to keep on trying! You've worked hard all week - I think a rest day is all you need.

I find these setbacks so much more discouraging now though because I feel so obligated to Adam and ECSS. I don't want to let everybody down. :(

Anonymous said...

LIlla, i know how you feel about the setbacks. the pressure is on and we are feeling it! we do want to do our best to make a great transformation.
joni, maybe you did push a little too hard. just keep moving and that does help the stiffness. i know i have been stiff in the hammies the past few days. i keep trying to stretch out those muscles. i think i am like one day behind you on the ms program. tomorrow is my protein day. i didn't do so well on the low carbs this evening. i seem to tend to slack off more in the evenings when i am just sitting mostly. no worries. stress adds to it too, so let's try not to stress over this..push hard with intensity. changes are sure to come! take about 1000mbg of vitamin C about 30 minutes before workout...that is supposed to help with muscle healing i think.


Debbie said...

Joni, if you feel terrible on the low carbs, maybe you could take them a little higher. I remember Tom V. saying that low carb for women would be about 100 carbs per day. I don't want to discourage you if you're fully committed to MS but nothing is worth feeling miserable.
