Monday, October 29, 2007


This message took a lot out of me and at the same time really lifted me up writing it so I hope all of you who have been following my blog read it, take it in, and let me know what you think about it. Feel free to agree or disagree, I am interested in how others see or do not see this in their own lives. I know it's a little long, so read when convenient. Please comment!

I was listening to my daily inspiration today (Joyce Meyer) and the subject was integrity. At first I was kind of disappointed because, of all the things I need to work on in my life, I really don't feel like my integrity is an issue. Not to sound high and mighty or anything, but I have learned many lessons about being truthful from when I was young and at some point I just decided that honesty was always the best policy and from then on I have held to that pretty well.
So I almost turned it off but then I figured I would listen anyway because usually there is something good in there even if it isn't what I thought it would be and, of course, there was! (Hello God!) It talked about how integrity isn't just being honest but really more about being honest with yourself and true to what you know is right. I think that a lot of people have trouble with that, including myself. Sure, we all think we are decent, honest, people, but do we realize that how we feel about ourselves is, I believe, directly related to the number of compromises we make every day on what we know we should do versus what we actually choose to do. It certainly is for me.
It got me thinking about some of the other issues I am having in my life and how I have been trying to figure out how I got where I am in my business, finances, and overall self-esteem, and how I am always letting myself down, beating myself up, and letting myself down again for beating myself up, on and on...and BAM! it hit me - I was compromising my integrity by knowing what I should be doing and not doing it, just in little things, things no one but myself even knows about, but doing it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Over and over again. And the little things are so important because you make choices constantly every day and if you continue to make the wrong choices, against what you believe or say to yourself that you are or are not going to do, it slowly erodes your self worth little by little - like sandpaper on your soul. How does erosion happen? One little piece of dirt at a time, and before you know it, your house falls in the ocean. I know that's a little deep for a plain little blog like this, on a Monday morning no less, but I think it really important to say and really hit home for me because of this weight loss journey I have started.
You see, I have been struggling in a lot of other areas of my life besides my weight and it has really killed my confidence. I have alluded to that in other posts but have never really given any details, partly because I think that dwelling on the negative will increase the negative so I try to not talk about it much. The reality is that I was (am) hiding from a lot of those feelings (thus the name of the blog) because I just don't know what to do about them and I have become really frustrated trying to solve my own problems. I decided to let God do the work and just step back for a while and stop the self analysis. But I did know that a big part of my problem was my weight because it really really really REALLY makes me unhappy. I don't care that other people say I look great and I have nothing to worry about, or even roll their eyes like I'm some size 4 stick saying I'm fat just for the attention. I am simply good at covering it up. I wear the right clothes for my body style and wear good makeup and have trendy hair to draw attention to my face. It works. I know how I look in a mirror without clothes on (sorry for the visual) and I know how I used to look and it makes me sick. Not to say that it couldn't be worse because for sure it could be but I spent a lot of my life unhappy about how I looked and then I finally got where I wanted to be and then I lost it all. Talk about letting yourself down and beating yourself up. I specialize in that. I am positive on the outside, upbeat to others, and have an overall positive outlook on life, but I am VERY negative when it comes to my inner thoughts about myself. I wouldn't even want to be near someone who treated me the way I treat myself. Why do we let ourselves get away with that? I have been working on that, but it is something NO ONE knows about me. Not my husband, not my sister, not my best friend. Now I am releasing it into cyberspace! I know some of you have been in the same position mentally and we all have different breaking points. For me it has been brewing all this last year and finally I said enough.
So, anyway, back to the subject which is to say that the first thing I decided to tackle was my weight while I let God work on my other problems. That is how I came back to Adam's blog and then on this crazy train we are calling the "group shred" :) I mean that in the most positive way, I love this, and that's, again, what I am trying to get at. I found that once I finally put my foot down and said "That's enough!", cleaned up my eating, and started working out, my self esteem has really surged (ha ha ha you know like "metabolic surge"...okay, dumb joke). And I didn't really know why I felt so good doing this program other than I remembered that I really do love exercise and lifting weights and it does release positive chemicals in your brain, but more than that, it came down to INTEGRITY.
I am finally doing what I have been telling myself (and, incidentally, what God has been telling me) to do and my integrity has been set right. I think when we continue to know what we should do and what we deep down want to be doing but give ourselves permission to compromise, our integrity slips away little by little and we really begin to dislike ourselves. And being around someone you dislike all day (namely yourself) really steals your joy. I mean, maybe all of you out there have already figured this out but for me it has been a revelation, finally understanding why I was feeling so bad before and so much better now.
Don't get me wrong, I have a LOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG way to go, in many areas of my life, but I think these little victories of continuing to eat right, say no to the bad, say yes to the good, exercising, and being accountable for what I have said I am going to do, are beginning the repair of my soul. When I are about to make any decision, I always have two voices (at least!) in my head. I usually call them the angel and the devil (like in cartoons when someone has them pop up on each shoulder, you know?) and they do battle for what I am actually going to do in that situation. Sometimes the angel speaks louder. Usually the devil would, and he would win the argument. Again, I'm not talking big things, just those Do I eat that piece of candy? Do I stop for fast food? Do I really feel like working out? Should I make those phone calls I promised myself I would make but no one knows I was going to so do I really have to? kinds of decisions. I think those are much harder. Big decisions are somewhat more cut and dry (dried? whatever, you know what I mean). There are lots of places in this world to get advice on the bigger questions of life. But who can tell you if you should stop at the fast food place? Only yourself. And if you choose against yourself, your integrity (and self-esteem) goes by the wayside. Someone once said that if you keep letting things slide, they are all sliding somewhere, and eventually you're going to run up against that pile. Well I sure did and let me tell you, digging out of that pile is a lot worse than just doing the right thing to begin with.
So lately, since I have started this journey, the angel has been speaking louder. Or maybe I have just been listening to her more. And I love her. The angel rocks! Because the angel is me. The holy spirit me, the REAL me, the me that has been patiently waiting to get out, voicing her opinion all along, just wanting to be heard and having her volume turned up. And that devil? Well, he's really The Devil, and he'll steal all of our dreams if we let him - one tiny, sandpapering, decision at a time.


Michael said...


Your post is eye opening. I personally feel that people get to a point where they have to make some hard decisions. Those decisions determine whether or not they are successful with whatever endeavor they are into. In our case, we share a common goal--fat loss. Well, I remember watching some cheesy show on MTV and this guy was trying to be a bodybuilder. He was Italian and came from the typical Italian family where the mamma is feeding them all the time. He knew that hsi diet had to be different to be successful at bodybuilding. There was a scene where the family is sitting down to dinner and they are eating tons of pasta, lasagne, meatballs and cheese bread. There's the bodybuilder sitting there eating a plain chicken breast and a pile of vegetables. He made it himself so as not to put anyone out. I realized right then that if this guy could resist all that great food and eat his chicken and veggies, I could do the same. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes, but the idea that I can have a cheat day from time to time helps me make the right decisions at the other times. You are right that it is integrity, but most people simply define integrity as "doing what you say when you say you'll do it." I don't agree with that defintion and instead, I say it is "doing what you say when you say you'll do it and doing it effectively." That's why I am pushing myself so hard. It is why I didn't just rest on the 14 day idea Adam threw out there, I decided to go full force and do a 100 day mission. I plan to have a huge improvement in my phsyique after 14 days, but I plan to be a different person at the end of 100.

Marbella said...

Hey Joni,
Just read your blog today and am so proud that you are on the right track, doing what you think you should be doing, and by that you´ll be happy in your own skin. We all have these decisions daily, but once you get it going, it just gets better. I know I´m not happy when I don´t like my body, so now with Adam´s help, I do intend to have some improvements. If not how, then when?
You are looking SO GOOD!

Otter Christy said...

Joni, I really dig this post. I totally know what you mean. That Devil almost did steal my dreams. I'm a comic/writer, who moved to Los Angeles to follow my life's passion. Things looked great when I first got there--lots of "heat," parties, showcases, big meetings, but Hollywood can be a tough town, and when the going go tough, that "devil" voice got louder. That voice kept telling me the smart thing to do is work on my dream part time, wait until my ducks are in a row and then do it. And when my tv deal didn't happen, and I was in the car accident, I thought Devil voice was the Angel of Reason. I was SO confused. I got a "real job." After a while, I quit standup, and focused on a spiritual program. I decided just like you said to let let God do the work. And slowly with newfound Faith, I started to STOP making those little compromises and my "false life" at that day job was swept away like a house in a Malibu mudslide. I'd promised my Mom that I would visit on my vacation. It meant a lot to her for me to see the house she designed and built here before she sells it. So I kept my word and booked the flight. Before I came out, my comedy pals who I didn't have time for when I had the job kept calling with gigs. Since I wasn't doing anything I went. I KILLED, and had a great time. I came here to the Philippines to see what's next for me. I've never written more in my life. Too many amazing coincidences have lined up to talk about. I've never been as certain about what I'm supposed to do, and how that is "the right" thing for me.

Joni, you are SO RIGHT in this post. I just could write a novel about it. It is everything that has been going on in my life. It pains me to realize how much I've REALLY struggled with integrity (artistic and otherwise), in recent years. I am so glad to have it back.

Debbie said...

Hi Joni, read your post and believe we all have to carefully manage our internal dialogue. It can either lead us to our goals or away from them. So glad to read that you're feeling empowered. Setting any goal and working each day towards it will increase your self-respect and self-esteem.


Anonymous said...

Joni, I have written two comments and deleted them. no words can describe how i feel. your post has touched my heart. I have felt this same way for so long. only this past year have i finally gotten some self-confidence and believe in myself and what i am doing. God always knows what we need and when we need it. He uses situations and people in times we least expect it. IN this weight loss process you WILL gain confidence and that will transfer into other areas of your life. If you don't believe in yourself, know that God believes in you and wants you to succeed. If it will help others, think of your body as God sees His temple. He does not desire us to put "garbage" into his temple.(that could be negative thinking and a poor diet).

anyway, one awesome, awesome post. thanks for sharing your deepest feelings with us here. It truly means alot. keep going strong and you will reach your goals!

Joni said...

I agree more with your definition as well. I have also been trying to incorporate the theme of "doing things with excellence" into my life, which I think relates as well. Certainly your committment to continue to 100 days qualifies as excellence. I am so grateful to have met so many people here who are so driven in their goals that I can borrow strenth from. I know you will be a different person at the end of your 100 days but it will just be the beginning of your journey and the same is true for me. I haven't set a day limit really on my goal, just however long it takes, but that will only be one mission. I have many more, as we all should continue to grow and change always. Thanks for your insight.

Joni said...

Thanks for your kind words. You are right, just have to take it one day, one decision at a time, and even now it has gotten easier after just two weeks. I feel like an emotional weight has been lifted off of me not subjecting myself to that guilt all the time. And today, any day, is the perfect time to change something for the better. That's why I love this group so much. I don't think Adam had any idea what he was getting into when he had this idea but it's really something big. We are all so lucky. See you soon!

Joni said...

I knew I couldn't be the only one with these struggles. And really, your journey so far has mirrored mine in some aspects because I am trying to run my own business and success in that is much like the success you are trying to achieve. I, too, have been tempted (and sometimes told by others) to get a "real job". Doesn't it just feel so wrong? That's how you know that your dream is real, when doing anything else feels so not you. Doesn't make it any easier always, but at least that question is solved. Now it's just the daily discipline that I have to work on. Congrats on turning the corner for you though! Keep dreaming big!

Joni said...

Yes my internal dialogue definately needed a lot of work. It is getting better day by day, just recognizing it really makes things easier I think, gets you out of that cycle. Just taking things one day at a time and one day I'll be on the other side of these mountains with a whole new view of the world.

Joni said...

Thank you so much for all your encouraging words. It's nice to know that my post was meaningful to you because it really just poured out of me all of a sudden when I started thinking about it. I have been working on my faith lately and I am such a control freak that it is hard for me to "let go and let God" in most things, you know? My growing faith has given me growing confidence, though, like you said, and it really helps to focus on Him not me. I am so excited to see where all of this leads me and all of us together. Thanks again for your belief in me.

Anonymous said...

this has nothing to do with your post, but your pictures. and thought i should share. SMILE!!! ;) we want to see your beautiful smile!

Joni said...

ha ha ha Suzette. I hadn't felt much like smiling since I wasn't seeing a difference yet but check out my results post today and you can bet I'll be smiling tomorrow!!

Sammy said...

Hi joni, I think I beat myself down pretty much too. and most of the time, I don't do what I'm supposed to do... But I just wanna say, thanks for this post because it made me realise what I must do and its making go for a run now which I would have not gone for if I hadn't read your post. Thanks

Joni said...

Good work! I'm glad you were able to get something out of it. I think making the right decisions when no one is looking is so hard but such a self esteem booster when you do and that just makes everything easier in the long run. Just keep working at it, as I will be doing, all the time!

Adam Waters said...

Hi Joni, Sorry I'm a little to your heartfelt post. Your post has touched my heart too, I think we really tend to find our inner selves when we go through a process like this. We strip away the layers and get to the core of who we are, we don't feel the need to "put it on" anymore. We are comfortable in our own skin.


Joni said...

That is so true. I didn't really think that this would be so eye-opening but it really has been so far. I can't wait to see how I feel in the coming weeks!