Monday, October 15, 2007

A little update

I did well with my eating today I think - I had a Slimfast shake for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and chicken with rice and broccoli for dinner. I did have some cheese on the dinner but I felt pretty good compared to what I have been eating. Oh and I had a half an apple for a snack. I just read through the metabolic surge plan that Adam recommends but I am not sure about all that. The exercises do not scare me, it is the meal plan. What is up with all the spinach? So not sure about doing that...I want the results but I do have a husband to cook for and he will not be going for that crazy schedule plus I don't know if I can find some of the things listed there in backwoods Cecil County where I live. Not exactly a progressive place. Anyway, just wanted to update before a new day starts. My workout was good too but not hard enough so I will be amping that up during the next few days. Oh, yeah and here's my new mantra to get rid of the whiny-ness that grips me so often regarding not only my body, workouts, food, but also working my business, cleaning the house, doing whatever I am supposed to be doing that I am not:
When I am...(tired, hurt, sore, not feeling it, etc - whatever my excuse of the moment is)... I get up. I get moving. I still make the right decisions. I still do the right things. I focus on helping someone else to get my mind off of myself. I make progress somewhere, somehow, every day. This is how I achieve my goals.
Cheezy I guess but it feels powerful when I say it and if I can just remember to keep saying it over and over when I am not feeling powerful I believe I can climb out of this load of crap I have placed myself into.
Til tomorrow! -JP

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