Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day 3 quick recap

Today my computer monitor died for no apparent reason so I am using my laptop for this and it does not have a photo editing program so I will just post today's pics without them being side by side with day 1 if that's okay with "everyone". Ummmm, I did my tae bo workout today but I had very little energy and yet at the same time didn't feel like I was working out hard enough either. I guess I didn't have as much energy because of the calorie deficit but I still don't feel like the workout is doing enough so I'll see what the other DVDs have in store for me so I can step it up some. I had a shake for breakfast, a bar for lunch, 3 oz of plain chicken and a pear for snack, and lean hamburger with lowfat cheese, salsa, and olives with baked tostitos for a taco salad type of dinner. I had to have something a little substantial for dinner because I really didn't feel like I had any real food all day. I got full quickly, though, and even though I had a small plate I still didn't eat it all so I am glad about that. I feel hungry now, though, but I am just trying to drink some green tea so maybe it will go away. I haven't weighed myself still and my pics don't look any different but I hope I am making some kind of progress. I really need to make a decision on the metabolic surge thing because I know I would see a difference if I was following that...still have a few days to make that decision, though. Also in the coming few days I will begin discussing all my other problems I am having committing to various parts of my life and maybe start to get everything straightened out all at once. That would be very helpful at this point in my life. For now, though, I am going to spend a little more time with my husband, I only see him on Wednesdays during the week so I'm going to sign off now. Here are my Day 3 pics (still pretty scary):

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