Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 224 - Memorial Day

Well I can't believe it's already Memorial Day weekend. This Beach Body Shred has gone so fast and I did not make nearly the progress I had envisioned for myself. I'll have the final numbers tomorrow, but I wanted just to put up a quick post to say congrats to all my fellow shredders and the rest of the NY4 for finishing our latest mission in daily accountability. You are all my inspiration and example to aspire to. I want to do more soon, but have not yet decided what the timeline will be for next time. For now, I'll just say good night and that I'll be back tomorrow with more details on my final results from the BBS. See ya!
Update: Here's my final pics:


Anonymous said...

Hey Joni! we made it!! even with life's issues, we made it through. Each mission is a lesson in life and integrity. I know what I need to work on!
Hope you had a pleasant Memorial Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

well, "tomorrow" has lasted nearly two days. lol. just messing with ya!. hope all is going well! welcome to the shredder council. see you on the inside!