Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 106 - Not waiting for perfection

Hello everyone! Today was an interesting day...I was so focused on getting my workout done I forgot to do my weigh and measure this morning! No idea where my head went, but I'll get it done tomorrow morning. I did do my pushups today, though, after not doing so well last week, but I didn't have time to video it. But I hope you believe me when I say that I did 40!! Yay me!! After I finished I wished I had made time to get it on video but no big deal, I'll have more next week and it will be even better! I am so glad that I decided to get in on this challenge with you other shredders - it has really given me a lot of confidence that I can improve quickly and visibly in an area. It's something that I have really needed lately.
Anyway, so I thought that although I am still not where I want to be preparation wise for a lot of things, I am going to start back up the accountability log because I have to just get started and improve from there. If I wait until things are perfect, I will never start, and that is something I am really struggling with so bombs away I am going for it now anyway even if I don't get any points in a day. But today I think was not too bad for not really even deciding to track it until right now. So here's that for today:
1) Sleep: Minimum (1) I got up at 6:30 and went to bed last night at 11.
2) AVP: None (0) HAVE TO DO THIS MORE!!!
3) Nutrition: Target (2) I had six meals within 5% of my ratios except I was under on calories but that's not bad I'm not hungry plus I wasn't exact so that's good...
4) Workout: Target (2) I did skip part one of my antagonistic supersets plus my Monday pushups.
5) Prospect: None (0) Still need to do much more of this but have a better plan in place instead of the beating myself up thing I have been doing...more on this later...
6) IPAs: Target (2) Worked my accounting consulting and made $100.
7) Vitamins: Target (2) Had my protein shake this morning and getting my vitamins now!
8) Water: Minimum (1) Got in 64 oz or maybe a little less...still working up to this one.
9) Project: None (0) Didn't work on the DVD at all, again have a better plan for this I'm rolling out tomorrow...
10) Accountability: Target (2) Posted today's and yesterday's pics and this is my AL but need to do the measurements for tomorrow. Didn't see everyone's blog but did some of them.
Total for today = 10
Starting over on the grand total but still have the same incentives in place. Need to do much better than 10, but I have to start somewhere so I'm just glad to be back keeping track of this.
Okay, gotta go, dog's having a fit, more info tomorrow, and here's today's pics:


Michael said...

Nice job on the push ups! I guess I'm going to have to shoot for 50 really soon!

Mike Groom said...

Good job on 40 push-ups. Like Michael says, you'll be hitting 50 real soon!

Raiden said...

Way to bang out those push-ups Joni! Looking forward to a video of you topping 50!

Adam Waters said...

Great work Joni! Man, you have so many projects going! These accountability blogs work great for so many things!
Shred on,