Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day One – again…

Was it inevitable that I would be starting over based on the title of this blog? I hope not. But boy do I regret stopping weights after my workout yesterday. I enrolled in the Precision Nutrition Lean Eating Program and the first assignment was…movement! It wasn’t even supposed to be exercise, just familiarizing yourself with the movements, but heck if it didn’t kick my entirely too large butt! Clearly I have lost a TON of lean muscle mass in the past year. I guess when I wasn’t losing “weight” I was still losing muscle and gaining fat. Yay me. I know better, but I don’t listen to myself. Anyway, we had 13 lower body exercised to do. We were supposed to do 5 sets of 5 each but I had to drop down to 3 sets of 3 each by the end because I wasn’t going to be able to finish if I didn’t. I was hardly using any weight, too! Sad when body weight alone is enough to make your legs feel like jello. So I could barely walk up the stairs when I was finished and will be really hurting tomorrow since typically DOMS shows up for me on the second day after a workout. But even so, I am very glad to be back in the gym. It took a long time for me to come around, but I had to do something. I miss how I used to look and feel so much.
Also, I took before pictures yesterday and they were disgusting. Seriously. I cannot believe I have let myself go that bad and didn’t even know I was so gross. So those pics will not be posted until I have some results to go with them. But for reference, they are worse than my original before pics. So horrible. But if you are interested, they are still posted on this blog. No use taking them down now, but man I wish I was an after instead. I have 6 months to get in the best shape of my life. I have the rest of my life to keep it that way. I am really confident that this program is different from anything I have done in the past and thus have high hopes that it will allow me to maintain once my goals are met. As I have said before, that is the missing link, and PN promises to do that. Besides that, I have the motivation of winning the contest, which I really think I can do because I have so far to go. Kind of sad, but I could really use the money. Might be out of a job come the end of this month. So here’s to fresh starts and sore muscles! Have a great day to anyone who is out there!


KaliLilla.com said...

You can do it, Joni - you've done it before!! That's a nice hunk of prize money waiting for you. I will be rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

So great that Lilla was your first comment in your "comeback" post!
Joni, You KNOW you can do this! I believe in you...and I am sure Lilla believes in you too or she wouldn't have posted a message for you! important.....believe in yourself!!! start with some "I AM..." statements...like "I am 140!! I am 140!" or "I am 17% bodyfat!" say it with conviction and emotion! start training your mind for the positive! everytime you say a negative replace it with a positive statement.
ok I think you get the idea! lol..
shred it up, sister!

Joni said...

Thanks, Lilla, good to see you! Hopefully I will be around for the long haul now, gotta get this lifetime change thing down!

Suz, thanks for the encouragement as usual. Feels like old times. :) Gotta stay positive that's for sure. Hard to after looking at my before pics but easier knowing I have done it before! Talk to you soon!