Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 7 - Disappointed

Well I am pretty upset with myself because I didn't do any of my planned workouts yesterday or today. Time just got away from me, as it always seems to do on weekends. And my eating was atrocious. So I have a ways to go before I am going to be making any physical progress, that's for sure. I guess what I accomplished in the last week was just committing to the goal and starting the workouts, even though I only did half of the assigned ones. The upcoming week will be better. I am glad that they are only giving us things a little at a time because that has been my issue in the past, trying to implement too much at once. It is hard for me to go so slowly, but obviously I need it because new habits are extremely hard to ingrain. The coaches were talking about habits and were comparing daily habits like brushing your teeth and showering with getting into the daily habit of exercise, presumably that one day it will be automatic, you won't have to think about it. But to be honest, there are days when I don't feel like taking a shower and brushing my teeth and although I don't skip that more than one day, I do skip from time to time. So I guess that's okay if it is the same with exercise. Maybe the point is that it is more a habit to do it than to not do it and you don't want to go too long without it. I don't really know yet, it certainly isn't to that level with me yet, and in all the times that I have been in good shape, it hasn't gotten to that either. So we'll see if that changes. I am keeping an open mind, it's just obvious from the past few days that I still have very far to go. Nutrition habits start next week, too, so hopefully it will all start to click for me, because for some people they said it was like flipping a switch - they were immediately, completely on board with everything. But for me, it is still a constant struggle between the lazy depressed part of me and the wanting to get in shape side of me. Even with $10K on the line. You'd think that would be enough motivation, but I think these issues of mine go deeper than that. I'll have to work on them. We'll see. TTFN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joni, it's ok to be disappointed sometimes...the problem is when we stay there. just count this as a lesson and do better next weekend. there is going to be a weekend every weekend! lol...the trick is to find what will work for you. some people just have to stay in that same week day routine..some way find mental reminders of your goal at hand...set a timer on your phone or something like that to "remind" you to eat or workout or whatever you need.
I really say start with daily positive affirmations of what it is you want. I thought this was Kooky in the beginning..but look where I am now...I have met nearly all of the goals I have been affirming from the beginnig(my beginning in Sept. 2006).