Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 51 - Better than I thought

So here's the weigh/measure data I took this morning:

Weight: 155 lbs (loss of 0# this week, 11# overall)
Bicep: 11.5" (loss of 0" this week, 1" overall)
Chest: 35" (loss of 0" this week, 1.5" overall)
Waist: 29" (loss of 0" this week, 2" overall)
Stomach: 32" (loss of .5" this week, 2.5" overall)
Hips: 38.75" (loss of 0" this week, 2.25" overall)
Butt: 41.5" (loss of 0" this week, 2" overall)
Thigh: 25.25" (loss of 0" this week, 2.5" overall)
Total inches lost: .5" this week, 13.75" overall

After all of that...whatever...over the weekend, I was finally back to my weight of last week this morning and I even lost a 1/2 inch around my stomach. Not sure how that happened, but my other measurements were pretty much the same so at least I didn't gain. That was my main goal after my "lapse". So yay me for even losing a little around the stomach. I have to go for now since I have a busy day and need to get in my workout, but I'll be back around later on tonight to post my comparison pics and check up on your blogs again after Jujitsu. See ya!


Raiden said...

The human body is actually pretty good at self maintenance. When you go hardcore on exercise and diet programs, you can see changes quickly, but you tend to forget that the "getting out of shape" part usually happens a lot slower. I like to think of it as metabolic inertia ;) When you've been going hard, it takes a while for your entire body to slow down, in the same way that your heart rate stays up during those low points of HIIT. It's a lot easier to jump right back into it after a weekend or a week off, which just gives you some good rest and doesn't quite give your body enough time to slow down too much!

Miriam said...

I see great progress in your last picture. Keep rocking it off!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great! NO gains is good! check back with you later.

Otter Christy said...

Joni, You look AWESOME!!! So sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad you opted not to push too hard and take care of your body. Injuries can be a bummer. Don't rule out how much pain (even seemingly minor pain) contributes to feeling kind of blah or even sad. You must have hit a tipping point, because your photos just keep getting better and better even faster and faster.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your support while I've been on the mend. It really helps.