Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 50 - The big halfway

Well, everyone, here I am a the halfway point of my 100 day mega-mission. If I didn't have pictures, I wouldn't have believed it but there it is. I was supposed to do a set of measurements today but wanted to give myself just one more day to get over my binge of the weekend so I am breaking with the Monday tradition just this once. When I weighed myself this morning, I just couldn't take measuring as well. I know, I know, it's not about the numbers but what can I say, it's a girl thing. I am still getting over how disappointed I am in myself for the weekend and I don't want to make it worse. So glad that overall I am in a good place mentally, though, because in the "old days" that whole episode would be a great excuse to ignore all my progress so far and quit. So not doing that, for sure, and still taking pics, but still want to see at least the same numbers as last week. We'll see. I have only one week left on my mission 1 and want it to be a good one.
I think what I found out is that I still don't yet know what "normal" eating is, because that is what I am supposed to be doing on the recovery phase of MS but hell if I can tell what that is for me, because normal is not defined enough for me. My "normal" eating is what got me overweight to begin with. So I need some kind of focus for that, and I think that's what happened this weekend. I wanted to have some things that I did not have over the past 40-some days and didn't have any actual guidelines to follow, so I just went all out. Granted, I know that that was not what normal eating was supposed to be, it's hard to explain, I just still need to follow some sort of outline to keep me on track for now. I'm not yet to the lifestyle changed part yet - working on it, though.
Today I did well so far. I did my workout that I was supposed to do yesterday and still didn't feel well enough for, but today there was nothing stopping me. I am having a little trouble finding exercises I can do for my lower body since squats and lunges are what hurt me to begin with, so I just did extensions and did a fake seated calf raise thing with my barbell and a pillow across my thighs. Weird but at least I didn't hurt my neck anymore. I am thinking of making one of those quad blasters for myself because I don't know what else I can do and I need to have more weight for my lower body. We'll see. As far as eating goes, I had a fairly low fat day so far, and that's what I have decided that my guideline will be for my "normal" eating. Not as low fat as the MS low fat days, but low enough to keep me in a good place calorie-wise. Haven't exactly delineated what that is yet, obviously, but that's the plan because I need something to concentrate on. But with being back to exercising I think I will be better all around, there's something about skipping exercise that makes me eat worse for some reason. Dumb. But I am so excited about the possible East Coast Shred Summit and need that long distance goal to get where I want to be in my next mission (after the 100 days). For now, I still have plenty of time left to get where I want to be now, although Mission 1 will be a little behind, but I am way better off then when I started so I am not upset about it that's for sure. So that's the latest on me, I have to go check on all of you now since I have been horribly absent. I feel like I've missed so much! :) Here's today's pics, come back tomorrow for the comparison pics and the numbers!

1 comment: said...

You still look great if not better!!! I don't think the minor binge affected you at all. Looking forward to meeting you at ECGSS 2008!