Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 107 - Accountability for the day

Okay here's my AL as promised, though a little late...
1) Sleep: Minimum (1) I got up at 6:30 and went to bed last night at 11.
2) AVP: Minimum (1) Getting better on this... :)
3) Nutrition: Minimum (1) I had 3 meals because I was running around all day and didn't bring any snacks with me, and I went to my mother-in-laws for dinner and didn't have a choice as to what to eat there so dinner was not good but I had not eaten that much throughout the day so I think that the calories at least were not over. Not a good thing to do, though, I know...
4) Workout: None (0) Like I said above, I was running around all day but did not make time to do my workout in the evening once I was home so that's not good but I'll just take that as my rest day and skip the upcoming one.
5) Prospect: None (0) Getting to this...
6) IPAs: Minimum (1) No income yet, but I did talk to a customer about an order for later on this week so yay me!
7) Vitamins: Target (2) Had my protein shake and vitamins this morning.
8) Water: Minimum (1) Got in 64 oz or maybe a little less...still working up to this one.
9) Project: Outrageous (3) So like I said yesterday I am changing my plan on this one, need to get a hold of the chaos in my house before I can do the other things I was planning on, so I put that at the top of the priority list and got to work on it for 2 hrs! I have also enlisted the help of my mom who is a super organizer and cleaner so she's coming over tomorrow afternoon and we're putting in some more time and are going to keep working on it this week until done. Then hopefully I can finally concentrate on my business with all of this clutter out of my life. Also I finished my wedding picture collage I have been meaning to do for oh...3 it felt good to finally get that DONE!
10) Accountability: Target (2) Pics are below although late but I'm giving myself 2 for it anyway!
Total for today = 10

I improved on my total! That's a step in the right direction at's my pics!


Michael said...

Joni, still shredding hard! You look great. said...

I love your accountability method and your total honesty. I'm very inspired by your dedication. I need to write things down instead of trying to keep them on file in my brain. Not working too great! LOL.