Friday, December 7, 2007

Day 54 - Almost there!

Well I am just typing a little now, I'll be back with more later, but I just wanted to say I can't believe I am almost at the end of Mission 1! I have been feeling rather weird lately - hard to explain but maybe it's just because I have been in recovery phase and not working as hard. I keep thinking I am gaining weight but the scale is still good so I guess we'll see for sure with my Mission 1 final measurements and such but even still something feels off.
On a good note, my husband said today that he wants to start working out now, before the holidays (he was going to wait until January before) because he is really unhappy about how he looks. I know that doesn't sound good that he is unhappy, but as we all know that's the first step to a physique transformation, being tired of looking the way that you do. So I was happy. I offered that I was starting Mission 2 on Monday and he could start it with me, but he said that he was just going to do some workouts now and concentrate more on food in January. Which is fine, at least he wants to do something. I just hope he goes about it right. He has a tendency to be all gung ho and then get really sore or even hurt so he has to take time off (or worse, work through the pain) and then ends up really hurt or quitting. So hoping for the best. We'll see, I'll keep you updated.
Yesterday in NYC was really cool (literally and figuratively), I'll post some pics from it later on today. Talk to you guys later!

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