Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 309 - Anybody miss me?

Can't believe it's been 2 months since my last post, and I don't even want to say how long since I stopped my nutrition and exercise program. Not good. But there have been so many things changing in my life there was just no way. So I won't go into it, but as of today I am beginning a 4 week sprint to get rid of some of the fat I accumulated in the last 2 months in order to be ready for my sister-in-law's wedding on September 13th. So technically it's 26 days away, a little less than 4 weeks, but this past Saturday was not a good day to start. Anyway, I am going to focus just on exercise because right now, #1 nutrition isn't that bad and #2 I want to see how much difference I can do with just exercise. A little experiment. And I know you all are going to give me a hard time for this, but I am not putting up pictures. I just can't bring myself to do it. I haven't really gained that much weight but I know I have lost muscle and gained fat and I just can't bear to put up that pic yet. I promise, however, that I will take a pic today and save it for a reveal coming up on the day of the wedding. How's that?
So with that I am off and running. Well, not actually running because I still have a sprained ankle, but bodyweighting or whatever you would call that. I will not be able to daily check on everyone again just yet, I have so many obligations right now that is just not possible, but I do appreciate anyone who stops by and I do want to thank those of you who stopped by to check on me in my absence: Suzette (of course! thanks for everything!), Christy, Andrew, Michael, Jonny, Lilla, Buffedstuff, Diane, and Larry (who I don't even know!) I appreciate each and every comment that you left and all of your well wishes and thoughts. I hope I can repay the kindness soon.

8 comments: said...

OF COURSE WE MISSED YOU!!! Welcome back. Do whatever is comfortable for you. No need to post pics if you're not ready to. We're here to support you always!! Love, Lil

Bec said...

Welcome back Joni, long time no see!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joni, so glad to see you post today. You know I missed you! I hope things start to calm down for you. A wedding that you are in is a big PRW. I know you can do it! You've done it before! Push hard with intensity! Think of me pushing you on while you're working out!
P.s. Thanks for all your prayers while Daniel was in the hospital. I really appreciated it!

Mike Groom said...

Great to see you back Joni!

Unknown said...

Joni::-) Welcome great to see a fresh post. Listen girl you know what to do to get where you want to, so just do it! I'll be off on vacation to South America for one month next week - so happy to see you're back. All smiles!

juli gets happy said...

Great you are back, Joni,


Adam Waters said...

G'day Joni, great to see you back in action! A wedding is definitely a big PRW. We'll be here for you, take your time.

Joni said...

Lilla - thanks, it's good to know you have been pulling for me while I was gone. Hopefully things will get back to "normal" now but who knows these days...

Bec - thanks for stopping by - will be checking up soon!

Suz - I have missed you too! Glad we were able to talk some in the interim. I thought that now was a good time because of the wedding, so here I am. And of course you are welcome for Daniel, glad it worked out!

Mike - Hi! Thanks, good to be back.

Diane - Wow South America that's so cool! Hope it is a fantastic trip for you and I'll catch up with you when you are back. Thanks for the support!

Juli - thanks for stopping by, I'll have to swing by your blog to check out what you are doing. Glad to see new shredders all the time!

Adam - Thanks! I missed keeping in touch with everyone so much! Hopefully I'll be full speed soon and be able to see what's been going on since I have been gone. Hope all is well with you, I'll be stopping by soon!